Johnny cash

A proud land

Johnny cash
A proud landThen came Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico was 47
48 was Arizona and the land was all a Union
Now a proud strong land swelled its chest and kept on growing
She survived many wars, but now the great war the war to all the wars
Dealth her a stunning blow
Two million men shipped overseas to help win the great war
Uma terra de orgulhoEntão veio Utah, Oklahoma, Novo México eram 47
48 eram Arizona e a terra era toda uma União
Agora, uma terra forte de orgulho inchou o peito e continuou crescendo
Ela sobreviveu a muitas guerras, mas agora a grande guerra de todas as guerras
Deu-lhe um golpe atordoante
Dois milhões de homens enviados ao exterior para ajudar a vencer a grande guerra
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