
Don't get angry

Don’t get angry with the weather
Don’t get angry with the past
History runs in cycles
And one day the rains will pass

Don’t get angry with the corpses
Or the messengers who come
To tell you when to hide your head
And when to bang the drum

Don’t get angry with the women
In the bedrooms of your soul
Who hold you in embraces
Ten thousand years old

Cause we don’t know what we’re doing
We don’t know what we’re saying
And that’s why I’m stuck here praying
That there’s a little bit more to come
You gotta let it run
If you wanna have some fun

Don’t get angry with the prophets
Who gave you lavender for love
Don’t get angry with the cynics
Who say there’s nothing up above

Don’t lose your head in silence
Cause it sleeps under every tree
Don’t get angry with the artists
Who flog dead poetry

And don’t forget to count your fingers
After shaking hands with lovers
That creep round as your heart suffers
Don’t lose patience with the clocks

Cause we don’t know what we’re doing
We don’t know what we’re saying
And that’s why I’m stuck here praying
That there’s a little bit more to come
You gotta let it run
If you wanna have some fun

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